We invite you to join our

Affiliate Program

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Earn extra income with potential niche

Step 1: Sign up

Join with thousands of creators, publishers and bloggers who are earning with the D-duct Affiliate Program.

Step 2: Recommend

Share thousands of products with your audience. We have customized linking tools for large publishers, individual bloggers and social media influencers.

Step 3: Earn

Earn competitive commissions from qualifying purchases and programs. Our competitive conversion rates help maximize earnings.

Why Join us?

D-duct Affiliate Program

"Join our affiliate program and start earning generous commissions by promoting our wide range of high-quality digital products, including ebooks, e-courses, premium software, database and more."

D-duct Affiliate Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetize their traffic. With thousands of products available on D-duct Store, affiliates use easy link-building tools to direct their audience to their recommendations, and earn from qualifying purchases and programs.

why are we so confident in this affiliate program that we offer to you?

We sell products value $100+ or even $1.000+ dollars, with the lowest price start from $10

As an affiliate, you'll benefit from the following:

Lucrative commissions

Earn competitive commissions on every sale you generate through your unique affiliate links. Our commission rates are designed to reward your efforts and provide you with a substantial income stream. The commision start from 20%. We also provide affiliate tiered rates. More higher your achievement, your commission might increase.

Lifetime Commissions

One of Best offer in our affiliate program. The Real Passive income! This allows the linked affiliate to receive a commission on ALL future purchases completed by the customer. Rates and Lifetime days may vary depends on Affiliate tiers.

High-converting products

Promote digital products that have been carefully crafted to meet the needs of our target audience. Our products offer exceptional value, providing customers with valuable knowledge and practical solutions.

Marketing resources

Gain access to a comprehensive set of marketing resources, including professionally designed banners, text links, and promotional materials. These resources are designed to help you effectively promote our products and maximize your earnings.

Affiliate support

Receive dedicated support from our affiliate team. We're here to assist you throughout your affiliate journey, answering your questions, providing guidance, and offering personalized advice to help you succeed.

Real-time tracking and reporting

Easily track your performance and earnings through our intuitive affiliate dashboard. Our robust tracking system ensures accurate commission tracking, giving you full transparency and peace of mind.

Timely payments

Count on timely and reliable commission payments. We understand the importance of receiving your earnings promptly, and we strive to process payments efficiently.

Continuous growth opportunities

As our affiliate, you'll have the opportunity to grow alongside our brand. We regularly release new and exciting digital products, giving you fresh opportunities to expand your earnings and attract new customers.

Feel free to customize this statement to align with your specific brand and offerings.

Our Affiliate Terms of use

Sample Price of our products

SketchUp to LayOut 2nd Edition eBook
Regular Price $25 for this eBook from official website. We sell it for $4.99.
Click Here
Aaron Fletcher – The Fletcher Method eCourse
Value at $6.488, Regular Price $67 for this eCourse from official website. We sell it for $9.99.
Click Here
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much can I earn in commissions?

The commision start from 20% Up to 50%. We also provide affiliate tiered rates. More higher your achievement, your commission might increase.

How do I become an affiliate?

You might find any Red "Sign up" button around this page

How do I set up banners or email template on my website?

Once you're accepted into the program, you'll receive all the necessary banners and templates on this website. Simply position these banners or any templates prominently on your website. You might edit and input your affiliate link depends on your needs.

How will you be able to track my referrals?

Your referrals will be tracked through our affiliate system using your unique affiliate link. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, We record the transaction and attributes the sale to your account. This allows you to earn commissions for the sales you generate. D-duct Store tracking system ensures that you receive credit for all the sales made through your affiliate link.

How do I refer customers to your website?

You can share products and available programs on our store with your audience through customized linking tools and earn money on qualifying purchases. Commission income for qualifying purchases and programs differ based on product category.

How do I get paid?

We currently offer payment method by Paypal only. You might have to sign up by yourself. Then you have to input your payment email in affiliate area account settings.

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