Ecourse Nick Sackeldford How to Run Facebook Cheapest


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Our mission is to provide a clear framework and real-life guidance to help entrepreneurs grow and start a business, and the numbers don’t lie: Facebook Ads are a great way to do it.

However, unless you know what you’re doing, Facebook ads can quickly become a problem or, even worse, start draining your bank account. Through our research, we narrowed down the 10 “Money Blockers” holding you back from profitable Facebook Ads:

Conflicting Advice – One guru tells you to do this, the other guru tells you to do that. The last thing you want to do is play “Facebook guru roulette” when your money is on the line. Instead, you need a proven “algorithm-proof” strategy that works in all niches and industries.
Built To Fail – Unfortunately many ads are built to fail from the very start. They’re missing the foundational building blocks that must be in a place for an ad to be profitable. If you’ve ever wondered “where do I start?” when running ads, you start here.
Lack of Strategy – What works today is outdated tomorrow. With Facebook compliance and policies changing faster than any other platform, founders don’t have time to stay on top of everything. They need operational help, not more “hacks”.
Key Metrics – What clickthrough or conversion rate is normal? How much money should you be spending? Without accurate metrics to use as performance baselines, you end up guessing while wasting time and money on ineffective ads.
Overcharged By Agencies – Spending money on an agency just to have little to no results. They overpromise and underdeliver. Instead, learn to run the ads yourself using a proven process you can turn over to an in-house team member who then runs them for you.
Rollercoaster Ads – Launching a new ad that starts out well but completely dies off a week later and not knowing what happened. You don’t have the experience or a “30,000 ft view” to diagnose the problem and make the right adjustments.
No Proven Process – Not having a clear-cut process for taking ads from “scratch to scale”. When you can quickly identify and cut losers, while scaling and optimizing winners, it doesn’t take long until you hit a home run and change your business forever.
Inaccurate Testing – Not knowing the right way to run audience, creative, and copy split tests to boost conversion and create “control” ads. Knowing how to properly split test is the fastest way for any business to grow. No matter the industry or niche.
Inconsistent Engagement – Unable to pin down why your ads aren’t getting as much engagement as they should.
Skyrocketing Costs – Watching your ad costs skyrocket, but not knowing why or what to do about it.
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