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D-duct Premium Course

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Get clarity and confidence as you build a solid foundation for your new Online Business.

Know WHAT you are selling (Offer Key Decisions), WHO you are selling it to (Define Your Dream Client), and intimately understand HOW you are going to sell it (The Business Engine).
Turn into a confident online marketer so that you are in control and understand how everything works (including how you’re going to make mullah as you launch and scale).
Clarity on who your offer is for as you define your dream client.

Articulate what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for.
All necessary key decisions about your first (or next) online offer.

Lockdown the type of offer you’re going to create, how you’re going to deliver it, and an price point.
Create & launch all necessary engine parts to attract your dream clients (Lead Magnet Engine). Start building your audience by adding fuel to your business engine (Traffic Kickstart) and prioritize relationship building.

This program strategically teaches you to start building and nurturing your audience before you create your offer. This way, when you’re ready to launch – you’ll have a warm audience to sell to.
Build and launch the engine that attracts prospects into your Business Engine and “primes” your audience to buy.
Start fueling your Business Engine with traffic (prospects) leveraging today’s most effective and current lead generating strategies.
Strategic and consistent content via emails and social media will build credibility, position you as a go-to expert, and ultimately “warms” your audience up to working with you.
Effortlessly get your paid offer ready for sale (Offer Engine) including all the assets to market and sell your offer as well as everything that happens post-purchase as you welcome & onboard your new clients.

Set up systems and back end tech to have sales conversations and get, track, invite, organize, and follow up with leads (Prospecting Engine).
Get your offer ready for sale.

Set up ?Front End’ promotional assets as well as ?Back End’ delivery items including order forms, new client emails, onboarding, agreements, offer content access, etc.
Attract, track, organize and follow up with prospects and leads.

Turn prospects (your audience) into leads (those that express interest in working with you) into sales.
As soon as your offer is ready, it’s time to announce it to the world!

Leverage your audience-building and content efforts by inviting your audience to your offer (Evergreen Selling Machine) before planning and executing your first live promotion (Live Launches & Promos).

Make sure you’re confidently selling as you master the art of effective, authentic, and high converting sales conversations (Convert Your Sales Convos).
Sell your offer anytime (outside of a live launch/promotion).

Leverage your content and audience to ?directly’ and ?indirectly’ invite them to your offer.
Set up and launch live (d
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